Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Micah Project (by Andy)

Dear "ever faithful" readers,

Last week I had the wonderful opportunity to work with the “Micah Project”, a boy’s home in the heart of Tegucigalpa. I was able to teach a few classes, hand out food to young boys who live on the street, and just spend quality time with the boys in the home. On Monday I was able to teach English to three classes, which by the way is very easy considering some of the boys I was teaching are completely bilingual. On Tuesday I met Wilmer, a 13 year old boy who is less then a year off the street, and was given the chance to teach him Spanish. The week continued with me trying to teach someone a language which I am trying to learn myself. On Thursday we headed to a busy market with some plates of food for the boys who were living there. This experience was one of the hardest things I have had to do thus far on my STEP experience. High on glue and begging for attention the boys were very excited to see us arrive. When we found a good place to sit and talk with the boys we gave them their food and drink and watched as they took a few bites of food and gave the rest to the dog from "The Micah House". We sat and talked with the boys for a good hour and then we headed back to "The Micah House" to re-group. On Friday I came to "The Micah House" to find out that Wilmer had ran back to the streets on Thursday night. It was a sad day for me and it was hard to think of the life in which he was retuning. Later that day I had to say goodbye to the boys and give another person a chance to work at an amazing ministry, and by Gods grace I found out that on Saturday afternoon Wilmer returned to "The Micah House".

God bless, and thanks for reading

For more info on the Micah Project go to www.micahcentral.org/

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