This has been an unsual week as it has been cold here. One day this week, the high was probably 50 degrees. We as a team were cold, but our host families were wearing multiple layers to try to stay warm in their homes. The homes here do not have any heating system and they are very open. Josh lives up on a hill and he was awaken by his brother because his room had water in it and a section of their roof blew off. The weather that we have been experiencing is more like weather in November so this is unusual.

On a typical day, after we complete four hours of spanish class, we walk to Rachel's house for culture study. A typical smell is exhaust from the vehicles driving down the road, an aroma rising from trash dumped in a creek we pass by, and other dumpsters that are full and overflowing where people sometimes rumage through trying to find something of value. As we walk, we pass many people who are selling things, handing out advertisements, or begging for money. We cross the busy road by means of a walking bridge. On this walking bridge there are people who often sit on the steps asking for money. We see the same two women most days who are handicapped and not able to work. One day this past week, after eating out for our lunch at a Chinese restaurant, we packed up our extra food and headed for Rachel's. We used the walking bridge like normal passing the same lady sitting at the top of the bridge. She is probably in her mid 40's and her leg is disformed. She looks so lonely as she watches people walk past and ignoring her or just drop some change in her box. As I passed, Andrea and I heard her say that she was hungry so we gave her our extra food. If we keep our eyes and ears open, there are many opportunities like this where we can meet someones needs in a specific way, even if it is just a word of an encouragement. Pray with us that we will be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and be able to not only show compassion, but share our love that comes from our love for Jesus.
We each brought in the New Year is different ways; Karen W. was able to experience Latin dancing, Andy had Christmas again with the exchanging of gifts, Andrea brought in the new year by praying with her family, Josh ate dinner three times at three different homes, and I brought in the new year by eating at midnight. As the team reflected on the year to come, we realized again that if we miss recognizing Jesus during this time, we miss everything. We want this time in Honduras to be not only of ministering to those around us, but a time where we can each deepen our relationship with the Lord.
1 comment:
wow, that lady still sits on the walking bridge, eh? praise God for your compassion and sensitivity to His spirit. i am praying for you guys! love the updates! be a blessing! :)
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