Saturday, December 1, 2007

First couple days in Teguz! (Karen H)

This was written on Saturday, but due to time constraints and internet connections - is just now posted on Monday. We will give another update every week if possible! Thanks!

We have arrived in Honduras after the long anticipated day! Tegucigalpa is surrounded by mountains so as we flew into the airport it was a rather close landing. It looked like we were feet away from the mountains while the airport runway was still far away. Teguz has one of the shortest runways in the world, so it was a rather close and quick stop. After we had landed successfully, I heard it was normal for people clap for the safe landing and it was no different this time.
We were greeted by beautiful weather and Rachel and a friend met us at the airport. Since then, we have been getting a taste of Honduras. We are just beginning to get a feel for the area both in surroundings and food. Just to summarize, there are lots of people, cars, lots of Spanish, and exhaust, which, hopefully will soon become a better smell to us.
We move into our host families today (Saturday) and that will really immerse us into the culture. The technical "orientation" is ending, but it's just really beginning as we will become part of another family today. We will be diving into language and culture learning so the learning curve is about to begin. (Karen W. was fixing her hair in this picture, sorry for the lack of visibility of her face.)
Tegus is about 1.2 million people and here is the team with the city in the background. We actually saw an airplane land and some take off as we were on top of the mountain. Quite amazing.
* Safe arrival
* We each met our host families and it seems like each family will be a great fit for us individually
* A more relaxing start than we thought before being immersed into the culture
Prayer Requests:
* For a smooth transition into our homes without being able to communicate. Grace and patience for us as a team and for our host families.
* Health
* That Christ would be reflected in our lives through our actions and facial expressions because we can't speak or explain ourselves yet.


elsiehersh said...

Your team picture with Teguz in the background is great -- except that Karen W. covered her face! We are praying for each of you daily -- and get excited every time we hear from you! Keep the blogs coming whenever it's reasonable to do so! Love, Tim & Lynette H. (Josh's parents)

I am a child of God! said...

I just checked this today...on behalf of the team, thanks for your prayers! We appreciate it and can feel them. KH