Monday, February 25, 2008

Once again, the past two weeks have been very busy (Andy).

After saying goodbye to our new friends with the dental brigade on Thursday we went home for a much needed rest. On Tuesday February 12 we headed off for Juticalpa and after three flat tires that made a three and a half hour trip into six hours we finally met up with Pastor Juan Perez to see what was on the schedule for the next three days. Juan and his family have recently moved from Tegucigalpa to Juticalpa to try and restore a church with a problem filled past. It was nice to have the opportunity to help him with this new load he had taken on. For three days we went door to door and discussed the Christian beliefs and church's new leadership. On the last day of our trip we got to see two people come to Christ. It was an experience of a lifetime and I wouldn’t have wanted anything to be different.

After Juticalpa we had a building excitement for the week to come. On Saturday February 16th at 5:30am the bus left the terminal and was on its way to Costa Rica. On arrival we checked into our hotel for four days of “R&R”. Once our time in Costa Rica had come to an end we had headed off to Nicaragua to meet another pastoral family and see one of the B.I.C. churches in the area. We were in Nicaragua for a total of two days and after that we headed home for an afternoon of washing clothes and getting ready for another early morning. On Saturday morning we hopped in the STEP van at 6am to go to an assembly of pastors in Trojes. We spent about three hours there and then headed home for the end of a crazy week.

Well that’s all for now.
God Bless

Hey all, here a few pictures and some videos - enjoy!

Waiting for the bus in Costa Rica.

Karen and Andrea using the bici-taxi between Nicaragua and Honduras.

An update from Andrea.

Us with one of the host families in Chinandega, Nicaragua - thanks for taking the photo Karen H.

A typical scene, this is the van in front of us that looks very much like our van.

The BIC church in Trojes, Honduras.

Honduras country side.

We were on this road of an hour and a half each way to Trojes.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The beginning of another phase… (Andrea)

The past two weeks have been very busy for us. On Monday, January 28, Mike Holland, and Isaac and Liam Flag (Andy’s pastor and his son) arrived for a wonderful week of mutual encouragement and to start the ministry phase of our time here in Honduras. Starting on Tuesday we had devotions and lessons about evangelism, followed by a time of going out into one of the colonies in the city and going door to door doing spiritual interest surveys. This was a perfect opportunity to discern what people were interested in learning more about God and who was ready to explore spiritual matters while giving us the opportunity to invite people to cell group and church. Mike and Karen H had the wonderful opportunity to talk to a middle-age man, Henry, about the gospel. He was very receptive to what they had to share, and in the end he received Christ into his heart. Praise God!

This past week we traveled out to Villa Linda Miller, just outside of the city by the dump, to help translate for a group of dentists from the states. This was a really neat opportunity to use some of the Spanish that we’ve learned so far. Almost everyone on the team had the opportunity to translate for hygienists, and three of us were able to get our hands in people’s mouths as there was a need for some of the hygienists to have assistants. Some of us were also able to help out with the vacation Bible school that the dental brigade provided for the kids in the colony and we also had the responsibility to man the door to keep people who weren’t waiting in line out of the dentists’ office, along with the abundance of stray dogs that were everywhere. We also were able to have a few adventures on the public buses as the “Busito” (STEP van) broke down on Tuesday morning. We did some bus hopping, waiting for other busses and eventually just hopped in the back of a national’s pickup truck while another time we squished in the back of the dentists’ van.

This next week we will be heading out to Juticalpa to possibly do some vacation Bible school and more door to door evangelism.

Pastor Issac, Andrea, and some of the kids at the orphanage that Andrea worked with earlier in 2007.

The kids program up the hill from the clinic.

Andrea translating and assisting.

Tuesday morning in the back of a random pickup - good morning Andy, here's part of the adventure your looking for!

Get all the blood Karen.

Karen sharing a little about the clinic.

Sometimes, it was the hand holding and reassuring touches that meant the most.

The oral surgeon and dentists side of the clinic - each side had five "lawn chairs".

Yea, Joshua definitely squirted some people for fun.

Joshua getting that dirty mouth cleaned up a little.

Outside Andy really had a chance to connect with some of the kids and other helpers that came with a boys program.

PiƱata craziness.

Way to go Andy, give that dental team something to do next year!

The dental team took us all out to dinner which was a real treat!